woensdag 15 februari 2012

What to do? The case of buying a Fiat 500

Of course I can name the 5 steps what to think about when buying a Fiat 500 and finish this new blog entry. Plenty of other websites describe the thinks you need to know and share their experience with the readers. So I won’t do it again!
Because of my own long time wish to buy a Fiat 500 I think it is a good idea to use the search for a Fiat 500 as an example of what to think about. The plan is to search for Fiat 500 in the following weeks and eventually maybe buy one as well.

The first step: budget! How much do I spend on a Fiat 500?
There are two possibilities, a Fiat 500 with “some work” or an already restored one. The price difference between these two options is probably 2000 euro. A Fiat 500 with “some work” will be between 2000 and 2500 euro. The good one’s will be between 4000 and 4500 euro. Eventually a decision will be made when test driving the cars I will select to visit.
Second step: the internet search.
With the use of Marktplaats.nl and Gaspedaal.nl it is possible to select Fiat 500’s from different company’s and private car owners. First the Marktplaats search. Marktplaats has an easy search engine and the Fiat 500 options can easily be selected.
What’s nice on Marktplaats, to start with the more expensive options:

The cheaper option:

Gaspedaal.nl makes it possible to search in different websites with car advertisements . So this is a good start in searching Fiat 500’s at car company’s. And what's nice over here:

I contacted some of the owners of the cars you can see above. Next blog will be bout the reactions and planning a first visit!

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